
    The Shop That Never Was | H.G.Wells | Class 6 | Lesson 4 | Activity Questions Answer | WBBSE

    Last updated on April 17th, 2023 at 04:05 pm

    “The Shop That Never Was” is a Lesson of Textbook “Blossoms” approved by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for the students of Class 6. Here all the Activity Questions are solved by experts.

    Activity 1

    Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes. One is done for you:

    (1) The shopman brought out a glass ball from his hair.  [ 4 ]

    (2) It was a small shop, not so well-lit. [ 2 ]

    (3) Gip wanted to take the glass ball. [ 6 ]

    (4) Gip dragged his father to the magic shop. [ 1 ]

    (5) Gip and his father were surprised. [ 5 ]

    (6) There were different kinds of magic mirrors in the shop. [ 3 ]

    Activity 2

    Fill in the blanks using words from the Help-Box:

    Gip was keen to enter the magic shop. The shop had many crystal balls. Gip’s father wanted to buy some tricks for his son. The shopman performed an unexpected action.

    Help- Box: scratched, keen, unexpected, tricks, crystal

     Activity 3

    Answer the following question:

    1. Why did Gip find the shopman’s palm blank?

    Answer: Gip found the shopman’s palm blank as it was a magic trick. So, the ball vanished from his palm.

    Activity 4

    Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

    (a) The shopman drew out a business card from his hair. [F]

    Supporting Statement: He drew his business card from his cheek.

    (b) Gip found the magic box in his pocket. [T]

    Supporting Statement: Gip discovered the box with surprise.

    (c) The toy sword was a magic item. [T]

    Supporting Statement: A Magic toy sword – This is a unique one!

    (d) The narrator found his full name on the magic box. [F]

    Supporting Statement: Gip’s full name and address were on the paper.

    Activity 5

    Answer the following questions:

    (a) Why was Gip surprised?

    Answer: Gip was surprised because he discovered the magic box in his pocket.

    (b) Why did the narrator fail to find out the cost of the magic items?

    Answer: The narrator failed to find out the cost of the magic items because the shopman did not pay attention to him.

    (c) What items did the shopman show to Gip?

    Answer: The shopman showed A Magic Toy Sword, magic train, clockwork, and a box of soldiers to Gip.

    (d) What was the cause of the narrator’s amazement?

    Answer: The narrator was amazed because the shopman tied the magic box in a brown paper with Gip’s full name and address on the paper.

    Activity 6

    Fill in the chart with information from the text:

    a)   The narrator thought that his son would be frightened.He cried at the shopman to take off the drum from Gip.
    b)  Gip’s father jumped at the shopman.He fell into utter darkness.
    c)   His mental state was disturbed and damaged.The narrator called for a cab.
    d)  He was looking for that magic shop as he had not paid for the items.Gip’s father went up and down Regent Street looking for the magic shop.

    Activity 7

    Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

    (a) What did the shopman do with the drum?

    Answer: The shopman made Gip stand on a stool and put the big drum over him and when he took it off, Gip had disappeared.

    (b) Why did the narrator think that his son would be frightened?

    Answer: The narrator had a strange feeling and he thought that the darkness inside the drum would frighten his son.

    (c) Where did the narrator again find his son?

    Answer: The narrator again found his son in Regent Street, standing a yard away from him.

    (d) What was the mental state of the narrator?

    Answer: For a second, the narrator was at a loss. He was extremely confused as he did not find the shop around. He called a cab and that was all he could do in that mental state.

    Activity 8

    Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:

    1. Last week I saw a one- day cricket match between India and Australia.
    2. There is a university in our district
    3. Brutus is an honourable man.
    4. She arrived an hour late.

    Activity 9(a)

    Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

    Prevent : My friend prevents me from doing wrong things.

    Disappeared : The thief disappeared into darkness.

    Stared : A strange man stared at me for a long time.

    Parcel : A postman delivered me a parcel.

    Activity 9(b)

    Find words from the text which are similar in meaning to the following:

    (i) frightened : scared

    (ii) at a particular moment : instant

    (iii) showing : displaying

    (iv) relating to the mind : mental

    Activity 10 (a)

    Suppose you see a strange object displayed on the window of a shop. You go in and ask the shopkeeper about the object. Write a paragraph within sixty words on what you learn about this strange object using the following hints:

    The location of the shop-description of the object-conversation you had with the shopkeeper-your feelings

    Answer: One day I was returning home from school. On the way I found a new toy shop. There were several kinds of toys displayed in the shop. But I found one of them calling the customers with a man’s voice. The toy looked like an airplane. It had been flying in the air with remote control. I went to the shop and asked the shop- keeper about it. He told me that it was run by a battery and controlled by a man. It will cost a hundred rupees. I was greatly amazed by the toy airplane in my hand. I wished to buy it later as I did not have sufficient money to buy this.

    Activity 10 (b)

    Write a paragraph in about sixty words on two of your wishes that you want fulfilled.

     Answer: I read in class six. I am fond of reciting poems and playing drama. It is my dream to participate in the  Annual Program of our school. I also hope that my performance will be appreciated by every audience.

    I lived in a village. So, I never go to a very big city and of course our capital city. I want to go there and visit all the  remarkable places such as   Eden gardens, Victoria memorial, Birla Planetarium and Alipore Zoo. 

    The Shop That Never Was | H.G.Wells | Class 6 I Lesson 4 | Activity Questions Answer | WBBSE

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