
    Rip Van Winkle | Washington Irving | Class 6 | Lesson 12 | Activity Question Answer | WBBSE

    Last updated on June 6th, 2024 at 06:58 pm

    “Rip Van Winkle” is a lesson of Textbook “Blossom” approved by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for Class 6 Students. Here all the Activity Questions are done by English teachers.

    ACTIVITY – 1

    Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in given boxes:

    1. Rip had to leave his group eventually. (3)
    2. On one of the days Rip had gone high up to the Kaatskill Mountains. (5)
    3. Rip used to sit and talk with his friend. (1)
    4. He heard a voice from a distance calling, “Rip van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle! (6)
    5. His wife complained that his friends encouraged his idle habits. (2)
    6. Poor Rip was reduced almost to despair. (4)

    ACTIVITY – 2

    Fill in the blanks with words from the Help Box. There is one extra word:

    Answer: Rip encouraged children at their sports. He always helped others in their work His wife complained about his idle habits. One day Rip went high up the Kaatskill Mountains.

    [ Help Box: high, complained, assisted, encouraged, work ]

    ACTIVITY – 3

    Answer the following question:

    How do you think Rip felt when he heard a voice from the distance calling?

    Answer: I think Rip was surprised hearing his name being called by someone in such a lonely place.

    ACTIVITY – 4

    Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

    (a) The stranger wanted to assist Rip. (F)

    Supporting Statement: He made signs for Rip to assist him with the load.

    (b) All the strangers had beards. (T)

    Supporting Statement: They all had beards.

    (c) Rip felt very thirsty. (T)

    Supporting Statement: Feeling thirsty, he had several drinks himself.

    (d) Rip saw that his village had become smaller. (F)

    Supporting Statement: He saw his village was now larger, with more people.

    ACTIVITY – 5

    Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

    (a) How did the stranger look?

    Answer: The stranger was a short old man with thick bushy hair and a beard. He was carrying something heavy on his back.

    (b) What happened after Rip had drunk the liquid?

    Answer: After drinking the liquid, Rip’s eyes closed slowly and he fell into a deep sleep.

    (c) Why was Rip surprised when he came near the village?

    Answer: Rip was surprised when he came near the village because he met many people he had never seen before.

    (d) What did Rip suddenly notice?

    Answer: Rip suddenly noticed that his beard had grown a foot long.

    ACTIVITY – 6

    Fill in the following chart with information from text:

    (i) Rip had a long beard and wore a peculiar dress.His appearances soon attracted the attention of people.
    (ii) Rip found himself alone in the world.Rip’s heart died away
    (iii) Rip saw a fellow who looked exactly like his previous self.He understand that it was his own son, Rip
    (iv) They came to know that Rip had come back after twenty years.All stood amazed

    ACTIVITY – 7

    Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

    (a) What attracted the attention of the people when Rip entered the village?

    Answer: Rip’s strange appearance with his long beard and peculiar dress attracted the attention of the people when he entered the village.

    (b) What did Rip learn about Nicolas Vedder?

    Answer: Rip came to know that his friend Nicholas Vedder had died eighteen years ago.

    (c) Who looked exactly like Rip’s previous self?

    Answer: Rip’s own son who was also called Rip, looked exactly like his precious self.

    (d) How long did twenty years seem to Rip?

    Answer: Twenty years seemed like only one night to Rip.

    ACTIVITY – 8

    Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs from those given in brackets:

    1. A hundred rupees is too much for this item. (is/are)
    2. The accountant and the cashier have absconded.(has/have)
    3. Time and tide wait (wait/waits) for none.
    4. Either he or I is mistaken. (is/am)
    5. The ship with its crew was delayed.(was/were)

    ACTIVITY – 9 (a)

    Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

    Hollow: Bamboo is a sort of hollow plant.

    Fearful: Parents are ever fearful for their children.

    Ruins: The city lay in ruins after years of bombing.

    Gaze: Tom gazed into Mary’s eyes.

    ACTIVITY – 9 (b)

    Identity the types of sentences given below:

    (i) Rip’s sole follower was the dog wolf.

    Answer: Assertive Sentence

    (ii) What was to be done?

    Answer: Interrogative Sentence

    (iii) All was silence.

    Answer: Assertive Sentences

    (iv) Sure enough! It is Van Winkle!

    Answer: Exclamatory Sentences

    ACTIVITY – 10 (a)

    Write a short story in about sixty words using the hints given below. Add a title to it:

    You went on a tour with your friends- stayed the night in a house inside a forest- slept in separate rooms- when you woke up your friends were all gone- your feelings- how you returned home.

    Answer: We only five friends went on a tour. We decided to go on an adventure. We went to a forest. The forest was dark and dense. After a long walk, we were tired. We saw a house in the forest. So we decided to stay in the house that night. We slept in separate rooms. There was a scary sound in the forest. When I woke up in the morning. My friends were all gone. I was afraid and thought for a while and decided to return home. I remembered the way and returned home safely.

    ACTIVITY – 10 (b)

    Imagine that you have a very lazy brother who is always late in getting up from sleep. Write an imaginary conversation between you and your brother on the usefulness of early rising.

    My brother: Good Morning!

    I                : Yes, very good morning.

                          But I am very upset

                         To see you walking up at ten.

                         It is nearly noon.

    My Brother   : So, what, I will of course

                            Do my lessons. Don’t worry.

                            I will manage everything

    I                    : No dear, it is not a matter of management. It is a bad habit.

                            It spoils your precious time. You should not be lazy.

    My Brother: But I read till late at night.

    I                     : It is also a bad habit.

                            Always remember “Early to bed

                         And early to rise

    Makes a man

    Healthy, wealthy and wise.”

    Rip Van Winkle | Washington Irving | Class 6 | Lesson 12 | Activity Question Answer | WBBSE

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