

    Last updated on January 31st, 2025 at 08:10 pm

    “Land of the Pharaohs” is a lesson of Textbook “Blossom” approved by West Bengal Board of Primary Education for the students of Class 6. Here all the Activity Questions are solved by experts.

    ACTIVITY – 1

    Tick (√) the correct word:

    (a) Ishan and his mother visited (Giza/Luxor/Alexandria) to see the pyramids.

    Answer: Ishan and his mother visited – Giza to see the pyramids.

    (b) A pyramid is a huge (rectangular/cylindrical/triangular) monument.

    Answer: A pyramid is a huge – triangular monument.

    (c) River (Nile/Bhagirathi/Volga) flows through Egypt.

    Answer: River – Nile flows through Egypt.

    (d) The teen emperor of Egypt was (Khufu/Cephran/Tutenkhamun).

    Answer: The teen emperor of Egypt was – Tutenkhamun.

    ACTIVITY – 2

    Complete the following sentences with the information from the text:

    (a) The Pharaohs lived _____________________________

    Answer: The pharaohs lived in Egypt around five thousand years ago.

    (b) Sphinx is a rock statue _________________________

    Answer: Sphinx is a rock statue with a human head and a lion’s body.

    (c) Ishan’s mother went to fetch _______________________ from the car.

    Answer: Ishan’s mother went to fetch a couple of sandwiches from the car.

    (d) The Egyptian priests preserved the dead bodies by using _____________________________

    Answer: The Egyptian priests preserved the dead bodies by using spices, chemicals and oils.

    ACTIVITY – 3

    Answer the following question:

    Why do you think that at the end of the day Ishan tells his mother that he likes history?

    Answer: Ishan went to Giza with his mother . There he became acquainted with the history of the pyramids and pharaohs from the Sphinx. It was very interesting to him. So he told his mother that he liked history.

    ACTIVITY – 4

    Fill in the chart with the information from the text:

    The SphinxA rock statue with a human head and a lion’s body.
    IshanSaw the river NileHe was alone with Sphinx.
    Royal PersonPharaohsBefore burial
    Howard CarterDug Tutenkhamun’s tombIn 1992

    ACTIVITY – 5

    Answer the following question in complete sentences:

    (a) Why was Ishan’s father not able to accompany him to Egypt?

    Answer: Ishan’s father was not able to accompany him to Egypt because it was a sponsored tour to Cairo for two persons only. 

    (b) What does the Sphinx represent?

    Answer: The Sphinx represents intelligence and strength.

    (c) What is the biggest pyramid of Egypt?

    Answer: The biggest pyramid of Egypt is Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid.

    (d) Why was Ishan’s mother surprised when she returned to her son?

    Answer: Ishan’s mother was surprised to see that Ishan did not move from the spot where she had left him.

    ACTIVITY – 6 (a)

    Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:

    1) The girl _______ playing alone.

    Answer: The girl is playing alone.

    (ii) A carpenter and a blacksmith ________ in our street.

    Answer: A carpenter and a blacksmith are in our street.

    (iii) The king _______ very powerful.

    Answer: The king is very powerful.

    (iv) The sisters and brothers _______ running in the field.

    Answer: The sisters and brothers are running in the field.

    ACTIVITY – 6 (b)

    Fill in the blanks with verbs in agreement with their subjects:

    (i) Curry and rice _______ my favourite dish.

    Answer: Curry and rice is my favourite dish.

    ii) No news good news.

    Answer: No news is good news.

    (iii) Everyone ________ present today in the class.

    Answer: Everyone is present today in the class.

    iv) Neither his father nor his mother ______ alive.

    Answer: Neither his father nor his mother is alive.

    ACTIVITY – 6 (c)

    Using the Help Box fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. The type of adverbs you need to use is indicated in the brackets:

    (i) The book is _________ written. (Manner)

    Answer: The book is well written.

    (ii) I cannot find my pet dog _______ . (Place)

    Answer: I cannot find my pet dog here.

    iii) You shall _______ see a film. (Time)

    Answer: You shall soon see a film.

    iv) The soldiers fought __________ . (Manner)

    Answer: The soldier fought bravely.

    Help Box: well, bravely, here, soon, early

    ACTIVITY – 7

    Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

    Monument: Pyramids are world famous monuments

    Mummy: I saw mummy in the museum.

    Civilisation: Mesopotamia Civilisation  is the first civilization in the world.

    Spot: Darjeeling is a well known tourist spot in the world.

    ACTIVITY – 8 (a)

    Imagine one day you are walking back home from school. Suddenly you see something which was not there before-a strange door in an old familiar building. As you touch the door it slowly opens inviting you to a different world. Write in about sixty words a paragraph on your sudden visit to such a strange place, using the following hints:

    Name of the place – description of the place-sights and sounds- what interested you the most- your feelings.

    Answer: One day I was walking back home from school. Suddenly I saw something which was not there before, it was a strange door in an unfamiliar building. As I reached the door it slowly opened and invited me to a different world. There was a tunnel in front of me. I took a few steps into the tunnel and was surprised, all around me there were uncountable stars, constellations, galaxies and an indefinable heavenly body.

             I was wonder-stuck. I looked back and did not see my house at all, I began wondering at the unusual phenomenon.

    ACTIVITY – 8 (b)

    Using the information given below, write a paragraph in about sixty words on the river Nile, the longest river of the world:

    Name of the riverThe Nile
    Flows intoThe Mediterranean Sea
    Why so important to the ancient EgyptiansProvided water, food, transportation, excellent soil
    Cities near the riverCairo, Port Said, Alexandria

    Answer: The Nile river is the longest river in the world. It is situated in Africa. This river is 6,650 km in length. It has touched all the important and popular cities and towns of Africa as it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The river provided food, water, transportation and excellent soil to the ancient Egyptians. Great cities that are situated on the banks or close to the river mouth are Cairo, Port Said and Alexandria. Egypt is called the ‘gift of the river Nile’.


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