
    J.C. Bose: A Beautiful Mind | Class 7 | Lesson 9 | Activity Questions Answer | WBBSE

    “J.C. Bose: A Beautiful Mind” is a lesson of Textbook “Blossom” approved by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for the Students of Class 7. Here all the Activity Questions are done by English teachers.

    Activity 1

    Choose the correct answer from the given option:

    (a) Jagadish Chandra Bose studied in  – (i) Hindu School (ii) Hare School (iii) Ballygunge  Government School.

    Answer: Jagadish Chandra Bose studied in  – Here School.

    (b) Bose met Father Lafont at – (i) Cambridge (ii) London (iii) St. Xavier’s College

    Answer: Bose met Father Lafont at – St. Xavier’s College.

    (c) Bose graduated in B.S.c From – (i) University of Cambridge (ii) University of oxford (iii) University of London

    Answer: Bose graduated in B.S.c From – University of London.

    Activity 2

    Fill in the chart with information from the text :

    1885J.C Bose was born
    1869Bose joined Here School
    1881Joined St.Xavier’s College
    1884He received Natural Science Tripos
    1885Joined Presidency College
    1895Demonstration at Town Hall

    Activity 3

    Complete the following statements with information from the text:

    (a) Bose’s father used to work as a Deputy Magistrate in Faridpur, Burdwan and in other places.

    (b) Jagadish Chandra Bose’s father, Bhagwan Chandra Bose was the leader of the Brahmo Samaj

    (c) In his school days Bose’s playmates were a Muslim  boy and the son of a fisherman.

    (d) Bose went to England to study Natural Science.

     Activity 4

    Answer the following questions:

    (a) Why did Jagadish Bose receive his early education in a Vernacular school ?

    Answer: Because his father believed that one must know one’s mother tongue before learning any other language.

    (b) What did Bose’s mother do when he brought his friends home from school ?

    Answer: When Bose brought his friend home from school, his mother welcomed and fed all of them with  discrimination.

    (c) Who was Lafont? How  did he  influence Bose ?

    Answer: Lafont was a Jesuit Father. Father Lafont played a significant role in developing Bose’s interest in natural science.

    (d) Why did Bose refuse to accept his salary ?

    Answer: At Presidency College Mr. Bose was offered a lower salary than his European colleagues. This hurt his sense of self respect and national pride. So, Bose refused to accept his salary as a sign of protest.

    Activity 5

    Match the single words their expanded forms:

    Single word formExpanded form
    AstronomyStudy of stars and planets
    LibraryA place where books are kept
    GarageA place to keep cars
    PsychologyStudy of human mind
    OrchardA garden of many fruit trees
    CashierA person who handles cash

    Activity 6

    Identity which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statements for your answer:

    (a) Crescograph was invented by Marconi. [False]

    Supporting Statement: Bose had invented several sensitive instruments. One of them is Crescograph.

    (b) Marconi got the patency right for wireless telegraphy. [True]

    Supporting Statement: It was the Italian Science Marconi got the patency right for the invention of wireless telegraph.

    (c) Bose was awarded Knighthood in 1919. [False]

    Supporting Statement: Bose was awarded Knighthood by the British government in 1917.

    (d) No other Bengali writer had written science fiction before J.C. Bose. [True]

    Supporting Statement : In fact, he was the first writer of science fiction in Bangla.

    Activity 7

    Complete the statements:

    (a) Crescograph is used to measure the growth rate of plants.

    (b) Bose proved that plants are sensitive to heat, cold, light, noise and other external stimuli, just like human beings.

    (c) In 1917 Bose founded the ‘Bose Institute’ at his own house in Calcutta.

    (d) Bose Institute was founded in November, 1917.

    Activity 8

    Answer the following questions:

    (a) ‘Bose had invented several sensitive instruments’. Name a ‘sensitive instrument’ invented by J.C. Bose. What is its use?

    Answer: A sensitive instrument invented by Bose was the Crescograph. It is used to measure the growth rate of plants.

    (b) What did Bose prove by his experiments on plants?

    Answer: By his experiments on plants Bose proved that plants are sensitive to heat, cold, light, noise and other external stimuli, just like humans.

    (c) Do you think Bose was uninterested in securing patency right? Why?

    Answer: Yes, Bose was uninterested in securing patent rights. His intention was to make his inventions public in order to allow others to advance further along the lines of his research.

    (d) What were the various awards and honours conferred on Bose ?

    Answer: Bose was awarded knighthood by the British in 1917. He was also conferred many other awards like ‘Fellow of the Royal society’, ‘Companion of the order of the Indian Empire’ etc.

    (e) Name some of his books and publications.

    Answer: Some of Bose’s famous books are ‘ Response in living and Non-living’ , (1902), ‘The Nervous Mechanism of plants’ (1926), ‘Major Mechanism of plants’ (1928), ‘Niruddesher khoje’ (1896) .

    Activity 9

    Read the following passage and underline the adverb. An example is given:

    Shanti is a young girl. She lives in a remote village with her family. Her school is five miles away from there. But Shanti attends her school daily. She stood third in her class in the previous examination. She believes that she can do better. She is now concentrating on her studies more seriously. Shanti never behaves rudely with her classmates. So they like her. She follows teachers attentively in the class. Therefore the teachers really like her. They often enquire whether she is facing any problem. Why do many teachers think that Shanti is the best girl in the class? It is because Shanti has faced challenges of life bravely.

    Activity 10

    Now put the underlined adverbs from the above passage in the chart according to their functions. One is done for you.

    ThereIndicates the place where the action happens
    Never, often, daily, nowindicates how often something happens
    Therefore, becauseindicates why the action is performed
    Seriously, really, bravely, rudelyindicates how or in what manner the action is performed
    Why, When, How, Whoused to ask a question

    Activity 11

    Transform the degree of adjectives of the following sentences as directed:

    (a) Plants are as sensitive as animals. [change into comparative degree]

    Answer: Animals are not more sensitive than Plants.

    b) Simla is cooler than Kolkata. [change into positive degree]

    Answer: Kolkata is not as cool as Simla.

    (c) Umesh Yadav is the fastest bowler in the Indian cricket team.[change into comparative degree]

    Answer: Umesh Yadav is faster than any other bowler in the Indian cricket team.

    (d) Ishant Sharma is taller than any other Indian cricketer. [change into superlative degree]

    Answer: Ishant Sharma is the tallest Indian cricketer.

    (e) Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. [change into positive degree]

    Answer: No other mountain in the world is as high as Mt. Everest.

    Activity 12

    In this lesson you have read the biography of a great Indian scientist. Now write a biography (in about 80 words) of Prafulla Chandra Roy, who was another great Indian scientist. You can use the following hints:

    Birth: 1861, Khulna, now in Bangladesh-education: village pathsala, Hare School, Albert School, passed Entrance examination (1879), F.A. from Metropolitan College (1882) – won Gilchrist scholarship (1882) – went to London – B.Sc. from Edinburgh

    University (1882-84), D.Sc., Edinburgh University – Professor of Presidency College

    (1889) – first to prepare Mercurous Nitrite in laboratory (1896) – established Bengal

    Chemicals (1901) – joined Science College as Palit Professor – death: 1944


    Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy

    India is the birthplace of many great people. They glorified their country by their noble activities. Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy was one of the gems. He was a great scientist of that time. He came on 2nd August in the year of 1861 at Khulna in Bangladesh. 

    He was a brilliant and a meritorious student from his early childhood. He started his early education from village pathsala, Hare School, Albert School, passed Entrance examination (1879). Then he studied in Hare School in Kolkata. He passed F.A. from Metropolitan College (1882) and he was awarded with Gilchrist Scholarship (1882). He went to London and took B.Sc. from Edinburgh University (1882-84), D.Sc. Edinburgh University. 

    He was appointed as a professor of Chemistry at Presidency College in Kolkata (1889). He had great affection for his students.He was first invented to prepare Mercurous Nitrite in the laboratory (1896). He set up Bengal Chemicals in Kolkata. 

    Besides being a scientist, he was a good person too. He lived simply. He thought highly. He was sympathetic to his students. He lived the life of a bachelor. He joined Science College as Palit Professor.This great person passed away on 16th July in 1944. He left a large number of talented students. He is no more but immortal to us for his contributions in the field of science.

    Activity 13

    You have come to know that the local postman has delivered your letter to your neighbor’s house by mistake. Write a letter to the post office with a request to return the letter to you.



    June 21, 2022


    The Post Master

    Tufanganj Post Office

    Tufanganj 736159

    Subject: Return of the letter

    Respected Sir/Madam,

            I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the postman of our area mistakenly delivered my letter to my neighbor’s house and they returned the letter back to the office. It could be an important letter for me.  

          So, I request you to take necessary steps to get me back my letter as soon as possible.

         Thank you in advance.

    Yours Faithfully

    Adrija Bhakat 

    J.C. Bose A Beautiful Mind Activity Question Answer

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