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Animal Meeting | Class 3 | Lesson 2 | Activity Question Answer | WBBPE

Animal Meeting is a lesson from the Textbook Butterfly approved by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education for Students of Class 3. Here all the Activity Questions are done by teachers. 

Activity – 1

Let’s underline the correct alternatives:

a. The polar bear can live in moist/icy cold/hot conditions. 

Answer: The polar bear can live in – icy cold conditions.

b. The lion/tiger/elephant is the king of the beasts.

Answer: The lion – is the king of the beasts.

c. The tiger lives in the forest/city/desert.

Answer: The tiger lives in the – forest.

d. Global warming is created by men/polar bears/vultures.

Answer: Global warming is created by – men.

e. The tallest animal of the group is the giraffe/deer/zebra.

Answer: The tallest animal of the group is the – giraffe.


Let’s answer the following questions:

a. Which animal is the common food of tigers?

Answer: Deer is the common food of tigers.

b. Where is the gorilla from?

Answer: The gorilla is from the Congo basin.

c. What causes the ice to melt?

Answer: Global warming causes the ice to melt.

d. Which animal is poisonous ?

Answer: Snakes are poisonous animals.

e. Who is responsible for the problems of the animals?

Answer: Men are responsible for the problems of the animals.

Activity – 3

Match the wild animals in column A with their babies in column B. One is done for you:

a. lioncub
b. elephantfoal
c. deerpup
d. foxfawn
e. zebracalf


a. lionCub
b. elephantCalf
c. deerFawn
d. foxPup
e. zebraFoal

Activity- 4

Fill in the blanks with the sounds made by each of the animals. Use the words given in the help box:

a. A lion …………

b. A bear …………..

c. A fox …………

d. An elephant ..…….

e. A snake …………

f. A vulture …………

Help Box


a. A lion – roar.

b. A bear – growls.

c. A fox – howls.

d. An elephant – trumpets.

e. A snake – hisses.

f. A vulture – screams.

Let’s learn…

stag (deer)hind
bull elephantcow elephant
boar (wild pig)sow

Let’s talk…

Ask your friend:

a. What is a female horse called ?

Answer: A female horse called mare.

b. What is a male elephant called?

Answer: A male elephant called a bull elephant.

c. What is a female tiger called?

Answer: A female tiger called tigress.

d. What is a male deer called?

Answer: A male deer called stag.

e. What is a female fox called ?

Answer: A female fox called vixen.

f. What is a male wild pig called ?

Answer: A male wild pig called boar.

Activity – 5

Look at the picture of a lion and a tiger. Write three sentences each about these animals. You may use the follow-ing words:

mane, stripes, colour, paws, tail, roar, powerful

The lion is the king of animals. It is very powerful. It has ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The tiger is a wild animal. It …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Answer: The lion is the king of animals. It is very powerful. It has a mane. It has a long tail. It has paws. It roars.

The tiger is a wild animal. It has black stripes on its yellow body. It has strong paws. It also has a long tail. This powerful animal roars.

Animal Meeting | Class 3 | Lesson 2 | Activity Question Answer | WBBPE

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